2024 - Goals

I've always made a loose set of goals for myself each new year, but because I missed those goals by so far last year, I'm giving myself a wake-up call for 2024.

2024 Ride Reports
I've been behind on writing my Ride Reports by about 12 months. That is; I've been writing about about last year — this year. However, I'm starting to catch up. I plan to publish the Ride Reports listed below during 2024.

Routes to Ride
I expanded this section significantly last year and during 2024 I plan to continue developing these routes as listed in the table(s) shown below.
Currently, there are 18 routes awaiting development. That is: seven Beginner Routes, four Intermediate Routes, and seven Advanced Routes. I plan to develop six during the coming year.

Rides to Remember
Part of my 2022 redesign also inlcudes a new sub-section to My Rides called Rides to Remember. These reports are simply some of my favourite rides going all the way back to 2012, however, many of them need updating to the new larger format.
Currently, there are 16 reports awaiting updates. I plan to develop six during the coming year.

Places to Visit for Future Ride Reports
These are my big goals. Going places, seeing things, and documenting the routes are the three primary objectives of my cycling (and this blog). By following these goals the cycling distances should add up naturally.
Tours & Camping:
I want to further develop my Gallery section by adding two new sub-sections for "Best of (year)" and "Castles". Then I will add the following new pages;
This would entail creating 10 new ride reports and five new galleries during the coming year.

Distances & Days
I try not to dwell on numbers, I'd rather focus on places and experiences, but there's no denying the fact that I worry with these figures as well. I've had the same set of yearly goals for the past seven years and these numbers merely provide a scale to measure and compare my cycling efforts.
2024 Goals
Monthly Yearly
Distance 400 miles 4800 miles
Days 8 days 96 days
You can see my current status by visiting: 2024 Yearly Totals

Miscellaneous Blog/Website Pages
Of course, I've got a few loose ends floating around the edges of my notebook, that in someway, I would like to work into my production schedule. How or when is a lingering question.
  • Yearly Weather Review
  • Train Station Overview
  • Site Map
  • Issue(s) Overview (spreadsheet or table?)
  • Companies and/or Products I Vibe With

2024 Issues
Then the elephant on the webpage is how and when do I plan to publish all of this?

I started publishing this blog/website in a magazine format nearly seven years ago and I'm proud of what I've created. However, I think it's time to start thinking about something new. Over the next three years, I hope to publish my last 10 issues and round out 10 years of publishing with 50 issues. What I do after that, I haven't a clear idea.
With that said, I plan to publish three issues this year:
  • ✔ April - Volume 08, Issue 01, Number 41
  • ✔ August October- Volume 08, Issue 02, Number 42
  • December - Volume 08, Issue 03, Number 43

If I make a quick summary from my notes above, these issues would include:
  • 12 NEW Ride Reports from 2023
  • - 8 completed, 4 currently being developed...

  • 6 NEW Routes to Ride
  • 10 NEW Rides during 2024
  • - see list of 2024 Ride Reports, all are pending...

  • 5 NEW Galleries
  • - 3 completed, 2 pending...

  • 5 NEW Blog/Webpages
  • (Totaling 35 NEW pieces of content)

I am currently working on the specific details and contents for each issue.

This seems like a great deal when looking back over the list... It's a lot! But, I'm guardedly confident I can make it happen... and with that final boast, I am off and into the new year!

Cheers! - muse kidd